Kick Catch Sweep with Mo Abdurahman
Mighty Mo Abdurahman walks us through his kick catch sweep – simple and effective it scores highly in the ring.
Mo Abdurahman is a top-flight Nak Muay and the golden boy of UK Muay Thai. He fights out of Lookborai/Exile Gym in Southampton and was a professional cricketer before calling it a day on his old sporting career to focus on his Muay Thai and kickboxing dream. A force to be reckoned with in the ring, Mo has a coveted GLORY contract and a glowing record that gets better and better. Mo is humble and soft spoken, letting his actions do the taking.
Here, the 22 year-old sensation walks us through his favourite kick catch sweep that psychologically devastates an opponent, demoralising them and slowly taking away their will to fight.
As your opponent throws the left switch kick, you step slightly to the left, taking the kick on your right arm while catching it underneath with your left hand. Keeping their foot in your left hand, step back a little to release the foot across your body. Pull their leg across, step in with your lead leg and push across their chest with your right arm. This puts your opponent off balance and in a perfect position for you to sweep out their standing leg with your right kick.
In Muay Thai, scoring is based on dominance, damage, technique and style, among other things. A well executed, powerful sweep displays the kind of aggression and domination that will catch the judge’s eye and swing a fight in your favour.
Mo likes to use the kick catch and there are a lot of possibilities once you have your opponent in this awkward position. Check out Mo’s previous video where he throws the kick catch takedown, another technique he is known for.