Home Fitness Vyvamind vs. Nooceptin (I Tried Both): Who Wins In 2025?
Vyvamind vs. Nooceptin (I Tried Both): Who Wins In 2025?

Vyvamind vs. Nooceptin (I Tried Both): Who Wins In 2025?


Vyvamind and Nooceptin are manufactured by the same company. They compliment each other as one is stimulant based and the other has no stimulants.

I’ve used both and here’s how I see each fitting into your daily routine and supplement stack.

Quick Verdict

As is the case with all stimulant vs no-stimulant nootropic comparisons, the choice between the two comes down to your preference and needs.

Choose Vyvamind for an immediate focus and energy boost or Nooceptin if you are after more gradual memory, motivation, and concentration enhancements.

Both are produced by the same company, which values the use of tested ingredients, and most of them are properly dosed.

They share the science behind the decision to include each ingredient in the formula, so the only thing that should influence your decision between the two is the specific benefits you are looking to get out of the product.

Vyvamind Neurostimulant


Short-Term EffectsVyvamind
Long Term EffectsNooceptin
Third-Party TestingDraw
Clinical ResearchDraw
Side EffectsDraw
User ReviewsVyvamind

What Is Vyvamind?

Vyvamind is a cognitive enhancer that improves mental function and concentration. It is produced and distributed by SAP Nutrition LTD.

Vyvamind’s ingredients work together to improve a variety of cognitive processes. The combination of ingredients is based on caffeine and L-theanine and shows significant potential in maintaining consistent concentration after each dose, while long-term use can provide benefits like memory and anxiety relief.

My full Vyvamind review goes into detail on ingredients, benefits, and side effects.

What Is Nooceptin?

Nooceptin contains high-quality, scientifically supported substances that improve mental clarity, focus, and cognitive power. The approach to supporting brain health is more subtle than in caffeine-laden products.

Nooceptin is also produced by Sap Nutrition and is created to help you get more done in less time by keeping you focused, motivated, and alert without the need for caffeine or other stimulants.

My full Nooceptin review goes into detail on ingredients, benefits, and side effects.

Vyvamind vs. Nooceptin Main Differences

Nooceptin vs Vyvamind


The same company makes Vyvamind and Nooceptin, and they have overlapping benefits like improved focus and motivation but take different approaches to delivering them. With different formulas, each has its own distinct advantages.

Vyvamind harnesses caffeine’s power, aided by a couple of other ingredients, to help you feel more energized, remove mental fatigue, and boost brain power right away, which can help you deal with high-stress situations.   

Nooceptin works differently and does not provide this energizing feeling, but it makes you more focused, mentally alert, calm, and motivated in the long run.

It enhances working memory and problem-solving skills and makes you more productive through these traits.


SAP Nutrition goes about its products correctly and lists every ingredient’s dose on the label. By doing this, people like me can compare the dosages with those established in clinical research and provide you with the relevant information.

Vyvamind relies greatly on the caffeine + L-theanine stack, a well-studied power combo. Caffeine has been proven to improve reaction time, visual processing speed, working memory, and alertness while decreasing exhaustion and mental fatigue, and L-theanine relieves the jitters and anxiety typical for caffeine [1][2].

The final two ingredients in Vyvamind are L-Tyrosine and Citicoline. L-tyrosine has been shown to promote task switching and mental function in stressful situations [3][4], while citicoline is beneficial for memory [5]. Keep in mind that both are significantly underdosed in this formulation.

Nooceptin’s non-stimulant approach uses different substances to enhance brain power. The two matching ingredients between the two are L-theanine and Citicoline.

Another well-proven substance is the ayurvedic herb Bacopa monnieri, which can improve verbal learning, memory acquisition, and delayed recall, especially in older people [6].

Other well-known traditional herbs inside Nooceptin are Ginko Biloba and Panax Ginseng, where the first is slightly underdosed and the second is within the efficacious dose.

Additional interesting ingredients with high potential are Lion’s Mane Extract, which enhances memory and brain cell regeneration and is linked to improvements in mental functioning and mood [7][8]

The last ingredient on the Nooceptins list is Rhodiola Rosea Extract, known for its ability to help the body manage stress [9].

Stimulant vs. Non-Stimulant

Vyvamind And Nooceptin Supplements

Vyvamind falls into the stimulant nootropic category, while Nooceptin is a non-stimulant. Knowing this helps you understand when and how to use them.

Stimulants like caffeine provide very fast results and boost brain power to help you deal with pressing matters like deadlines, exams, or any other high-stress situation requiring quick and precise decision-making. The surge of energy also boosts motivation and delays fatigue.

The downside of stimulants is that not everyone responds well to them, and they can cause anxiety and a nasty energy crash after the effect.

Long-term benefits cannot be felt as clearly, but you can rely on them continuously to enhance all-around cognitive performance.

The changes in concentration, memory recall and retention, information processing speed, and many others come over time.

There is still an energy boost, but it is not as pronounced or as effective as with stimulants.

Short vs. Long-Term Effects

The same thing determines both short- and long-term benefits. Vyvamind’s caffeine/L-theanine combination improves mental performance in the short term. The company says the effect can be felt in as little as 10 minutes.

There are long-term gains, but with fewer ingredients, they are not as wide as in long-term-oriented formulations.

SAP Nutrition use the opposite strategy with Nooceptin, relying on a combination of substances to improve memory, concentration, and motivation while reducing brain fog over time.

These and other cognitive benefits can be felt after prolonged use of the supplement, with the best results expected after 3 months.

Clinical Research

Both products contain clinically researched ingredients, although not all have sufficient conclusive results proving or refuting their effectiveness. No studies have been done on the complete formulations, though.

The speculative substances are time-honored herbs and plants used in traditional medicine, so even if the effect is not as significant as claimed (or existing at all), at least you are not ingesting some experimental chemicals but something people have been taking for centuries.

Side Effects

The side effects from Vyvamind can come as a result of the caffeine. Depending on your sensitivity to the substance, you can experience anxiety, jitteriness, and an energy crash.

With that said, adding L-theanine to the formula essentially negates these possible side effects.

With a few more ingredients in the mix, Nooceptin can potentially cause more side effects in the form of stomach issues and headaches, but these occur exceptionally rarely.

I haven’t felt any adverse side effects from either product.

User Reviews

SAP Nutrition’s customer review policy is not my favorite. I prefer websites that use Trustpilot or similar services, where you can see the scores and read the details of every user review.

SAP has only a few raving reviews on Vyvamind’s website, while Nooceptins doesn’t have even one review, which I find strange and annoying.

But when I searched online, I saw some people sharing their experience with both products, and the outlook is mostly very positive.


Product1 Bottle2 Bottles3 Bottles
Vyvamind$74.99 / 60 servings ($1.24 / serving)$139.98 / 120 servings ($1.18/serving)$212 / 180 servings  
($1.17 / serving)
Nooceptin$69.00 / 30 servings ($2.30/serving)$138.00 / 60 servings ($2.30/serving)$197.00 / 90 servings ($2.19/serving)

My Experience With Vyvamind And Nooceptin

Vyvamind and Nooceptin Nootropics

I have found Vyvamind and Nooceptin to work pretty much as expected.

Vyvamind naturally gives me a fast energy and clarity boost thanks to the caffeine and L-theanine combination, which I usually take and have tried many times in different formulations and as energy drinks + pure L-theanine supplement.

But the extra ingredients also work synergistically. I feel more dialed in, and my mind wanders less when taking Vyvamind.

I cannot be sure how much of it is thanks to the caffeine and how much is from the entire formula, but either way, I can feel the supplement work.

With Nooceptin, the changes were more subtle. After a couple of weeks, I’ve noticed how I sift through information easier, and my focus is better. Near the end of my one-month test, I felt more dialed in when writing articles almost every time I sat to work.

So, I readily recommend both products. They work nicely and respectively to their intended effect. 

Should You Choose Vyvamind Or Nooceptin?

As I said in the previous paragraph, both Vyvamind and Nooceptin can benefit you, and the choice depends strictly on what you need. If you tackle demanding tasks requiring laser focus and fast decisions, perhaps a dose of Vyvamind in the morning will level up your game.

If you prefer gentler stimulation and improvements that spread more over time, some of which you will not notice in the first place, Nooceptin’s recipe is a better fit.

The price is always a factor, and Vyvamind and Nooceptin have a similar price per serving.

I’ve spared a lot of superlatives for both, but I feel compelled to say they are not magic pills.

To have a sharp mind, be able to focus more, solve complex cases, and generally have outstanding cognitive abilities, you need to take good care of your body and mind through nutrition, rest, and movement. Nootropics are only the icing on the cake.

Best Short-Term Cognitive Function


Vyvamind Neurostimulant

An effective stimulant nootropic with the effective caffeine and l-theanine stack for enhanced focus and alertness.


Best Long-Term Cognitive Function



A non-stimulant nootropic with a comprehensive formulation for smooth energy and long-term brain health.



  1. Haskell, C. F., Kennedy, D. O., Milne, A. L., Wesnes, K. A., & Scholey, A. B. (2008). The effects of L-theanine, caffeine and their combination on cognition and mood. Biological psychology, 77(2), 113-122.
  2. Owen, G. N., Parnell, H., De Bruin, E. A., & Rycroft, J. A. (2008). The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood. Nutritional neuroscience, 11(4), 193-198.
  3. Steenbergen, L., Sellaro, R., Hommel, B., & Colzato, L. S. (2015). Tyrosine promotes cognitive flexibility: evidence from proactive vs. reactive control during task switching performance. Neuropsychologia, 69, 50-55.
  4. Jongkees, B. J., Hommel, B., Kühn, S., & Colzato, L. S. (2015). Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations under stress or cognitive demands—A review. Journal of psychiatric research, 70, 50-57.
  5. Nakazaki E, Mah E, Sanoshy K, Citrolo D, Watanabe F. Citicoline and Memory Function in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. J Nutr. 2021 Aug 7;151(8):2153-2160. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxab119. PMID: 33978188; PMCID: PMC8349115.
  6. Morgan, A., & Stevens, J. (2010). Does Bacopa monnieri improve memory performance in older persons? Results of a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine, 16(7), 753-759.
  7. Chong, P. S., Fung, M. L., Wong, K. H., & Lim, L. W. (2020). Therapeutic potential of Hericium erinaceus for depressive disorder. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(1), 163.
  8. Docherty, S., Doughty, F. L., & Smith, E. F. (2023). The Acute and Chronic Effects of Lion’s Mane Mushroom Supplementation on Cognitive Function, Stress and Mood in Young Adults: A Double-Blind, Parallel Groups, Pilot Study. Nutrients, 15(22), 4842.
  9. Cropley, M., Banks, A. P., & Boyle, J. (2015). The effects of Rhodiola rosea L. extract on anxiety, stress, cognition and other mood symptoms. Phytotherapy research, 29(12), 1934-1939.
James de Lacey James is a professional strength & conditioning coach that works with professional and international level teams and athletes. He owns Sweet Science of Fighting, is a published scientific researcher and has completed his Masters in Sport & Exercise Science. He's combined my knowledge of research and experience to bring you the most practical bites to be applied to your combat training.